Anne-Marie Pelletier

has for some years taught sacred scripture and biblical hermeneutics at the Notre Dame faculty of the Collège des Bernardins, Paris and previously held the role of professor of biblical teaching at the European Institute of Science of Religions (IESR). Her research extends to Judaism, Christianity and the monastic world.

 She has published widely: notable works in the field of hermeneutics and biblical exegesis are “Lectures du Cantique des Cantiques. De l'enigme du sens aux figures du lecteur”, “Lectures bibliques. Aux sources de la culture occidentale”, “D'age en age les Ecritures. La Bible et l'hermeneutique contemporaine”, and “Le livre d'Isaie, l'histoire au prisme de la prophetie”. With regard to the question of women in Christianity, she has written two books: “Le christianisme et les femmes. Vingt siecles d'histoire”, and “Le signe de la femme” and most recently published “L’´Eglise, des femmes avec des hommes”  (Paris, Cerf 2019)

She is a recipient of the 2014 Ratzinger Prize for Theology, the first woman theologian to be awarded the prize. In 2017 she wrote the Stations of the Cross for Pope Francis’ Good Friday prayer at the Colosseum.  She is member of the new Vatican commission for the Study of the Female Diaconate. 


Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino


Sr. Sheila Kinsey